
To provide a holistic, diverse, high quality, academically rigorous, physically challenging and fully bilingual, life education for all aspects of the children of our community, with engaging teaching professionals, in first-rate facilities, that enables all students to pursue the lives and journeys they seek.  


A local and world-oriented, fully bilingual school where children of diverse origins, nationalities, beliefs and social demographics learn, play and grow as individuals, as part of a community, and as members of this globalized world.


  • To be an inclusive school, uniting the community.

  • To teach love and respect for each other.

  • To imagine.

  • To provide a diverse, high standard, bilingual education.

  • To explore the beauty of the arts and music, and to awaken an excitement for math and science.

  • To observe and respect the fragility of nature.

  • To experience diverse cultures and histories from around the world.

  • To enjoy reading, literature and poetry.

  • To promote optimal physical development and teach valuable life skills such as proper nutrition, self discipline, teamwork, competition and playing by the rules, through a complete sports and physical education program.

  • To give the life lessons that breed confidence, curiosity and humanity.

  • To continually improve the facilities and services we offer.

  • To provide a program where happy children are excited to be a part of each and every day.